ADS FROM THE 1930'S THESE ARE A RIOT.... can you believe that these were real ads? Yes, they were!
My little life moments. The way I see the world. My rants, my raves, and just about anything I can come up with.
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Wow! What an ad. Can't believe those folks that time think like that. Funny though.
Blow her face and she'll follow you everywhere, LOL. Crazy!
Really Angelic
I guy I worked with got one of the funniest emails every. When he opened it up, it played a video that screamed "I'm looking at gay porn!" and it showed a bunch of pics of dudes in banana hammocks. Does anyone know where I can find that video so that I can email it to people?
A blonde went out to her mail box and looked in, closed the door and went back in the house. A few minutes later she went out and looked in the mail box again
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