
Another 30 Day Challenge started

With one set of 30 Day Challenges complete, I picked up a second one to continue working on my bottom half. I decided to do lunges, and I will admit they seem harder than the squats! Or maybe I just got used to the squats. I am now on Day 5. I am up to 40 lunges and I am also continuing my squats but only 100 per day. I still feel the burn, and I am excited to see what these lunges will do for...
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30 Day Squat Challenge complete!

I did it! Honestly did not think I would be able to complete that amount of squats, but I was bound and determined. I started this challenge for purely selfish and vanity reasons. I was losing my butt. Started eating differently and I started losing weight and inches and my butt seem to be losing the battle. So I set forth and squatted. Oh did I do it. I even got sick in the middle of the squats,...
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Music: How a song change your perspective on life

I am an admitted nerd. Pretty much have a mad obsession for a man in blue box. And yes that would be Doctor Who I am referring to. Of course most people don’t know who he is, and it boggles the mind. This is how I feel when it comes to music. And yes I am a music nerd. I love finding new artists, even if they have been out for years; they are definitely new to me. When this happens, I usually go out on the hunt for full discography. I want to shout it out to the world, listen at how awesome this...
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I miss writing...

I  miss writing. Why haven't I been consistant?  Wish I can tell you because I have  so many things on my mind that it is straight funny, but I seem to have gotten lazy finger syndrome. The  problem I see is that I have gotten  back into one of my hobbies, which  is crochet. It has taken up all my spare time. I ...
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30 Day Squat Challenge.... Really?

So  why did I decide to do this insane  challenge? There are several reasons why. Possibly  the most important reason is because I  felt ready to actually push myself to  do such a challenge. Since  May 2013, I made a conscious choice ...
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Instagram alternatives for Android part 1 - Picplz

Phone apps that come close to Intsagram, that also have the social aspect, are what people are looking for. Until the app comes to Android, there are a few alternatives that come close.Instagram alternatives for Android part 1 - Pic...
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Win a copy of The Sitter on DVD 03/13 – 03/21

For a chance to win a DVD copy of The Sitter click here&nb...
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Immortals DVD giveaway ends 03/06/12

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Tooth Fairy 2 DVD giveaway 02/27/12 – 03/06/12

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The Year in Review: Sci-fi and fantasy on TV in 2011

With 2011 at an end, let’s reflect on the awesome and the not so awesome that was. There seemed to be a resurgence of quality sci-fi and fantasy on television this past year, with some that were new and others that were canceled... Read the rest of the p...
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‘Terra Nova’ on Fox review season finale episode 1.12 and 1.13

‘Terra Nova’ on Fox, which aired December 19th, had two of the best episodes that should have started the series off. The last two hours was fast paced, edge of your seat fun...‘Terra Nova’ on Fox review season finale episode 1.12 and 1...
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This week's photo challenge (12/19 – 12/25): Holiday inspiration

This week's photo challenge (12/19 – 12/25): Holiday inspirat...
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‘Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock’ is the start of a new gaming franchise

In some exciting Who news today, December 9th, The Doctor is getting much more closer to console games with the launch of a new game called Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock and is the first in a series of Who games developed by BBC Worldwide Digital Entertainment and Games.‘Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock’ is the start of a new gaming franch...
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‘Terra Nova’ on Fox preview and pictures from season 1 finale

‘Terra Nova’ on Fox released a new preview clip, December 6th, and from the upcoming finale, these last two episodes appear as if it will be action packed.‘Terra Nova’ on Fox preview and pictures from season 1 fin...
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Lost Girl on Syfy: Video clip and promo pics

With Lost Girl a little over a month away, Syfy is slowly but surely providing promotional items for us to check out. With that said, keep in mind if you really want to look for stuff on the show, you can easily find it but a lot of it is geared towards season 2 since the show is a year ahead.Lost Girl on Syfy: Video clip and promo p...
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First post of 2011

Hi there. I can't believe that I have not written anything this year. That is not to say that I have been idle. I freelance write over at examiner.com where I have taken my love of science fiction and fantasy and have written up a nice bit of articles. The thing is I really miss talking on here. I almost deleted the blog, but soooo glad I didn't. I went back to read some of my older posts and cracked myself up. I am actually pretty awesome and funny. Yes tooting one's own is perfectly acceptable...
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