
I miss writing...

I  miss writing. Why haven't I been consistant?  Wish I can tell you because I have  so many things on my mind that it is straight funny, but I seem to have gotten lazy finger syndrome.

The  problem I see is that I have gotten  back into one of my hobbies, which  is crochet. It has taken up all my spare time.

I  also seem o have forgotten to catch  my shows that I write reviews for.  Sad but true. Like the 30 day squat challenge I've started I apparently need a 30 day write challenge.

With  November fast approaching this is a perfect  time to get into the habit of writing  every single day on a consistent basis. I have a month and half to prepare a story, though I have nothing in mind.

Should  I do an outline or write by the  seat of my pants? The last time I  completed the nanowrimo back in 2009 I had an outline, however the bulk of the story was written on the fly. It has potential, if I ever get back to it, however I don't know if that will ever happen, and my vampire type story may just never see the light of day. Sad but true.

I  am getting excited about writing again  and not just for nanowrimo. I love  reviewing whether it is tv or books. Sometimes I just don't give myself credit to just sit down and write. This is where I let crochet take over.

But  as you can see,  I am working  on actually getting my act together and  writing again. This blog is a first step as establishing myself as writer again. I am not getting any younger, so if I am going to write a book, this is the perfect time to do so. This was a very random thoughts post. I miss writing these.



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