
Why Being Nice Sucks! Part 1

I've been doing customer service since I was sixteen. From fast food to telemarketing to customer support rep. And I can tell you it sucks! People are mean, rude and expect miracles in 15 seconds flat. So I made some rules and etiquette when calling in or speaking to anyone who must service your needs, in a retail way of course! The Must have rules when calling in to customer service. This will avoid...
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School Books are Ridiclously High!

Took my son the College student to get his books. My lord they are expensive! I did college 4 years ago and even then it was crazy, but living in California, it is even worse. He only purchased 5 books for $406! That is more than tuition for a semester.Thank god my aunt provided a scholarship for him, but he still needs two more books and the amount for this semester is only $500 of the money.So I told him that we are taking a book back. I quite forgot about half.com where you can find used books...
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Wally World and the Freak Show

Yesterday I went into Wal-Mart to get two items: a money order and a fan.The money order to pay a bill and the fan because it was hitting 104 degrees! Yep felt like an oven. Not cool.Anyways I’m in line to get the money order looking around, when my eyes were stopped by the most ludicrous sight ever! Apparently Randy Jackson has glass frames he endorses. My jaw literally dropped. Who’s next? Simon endorsing tight shirts?That was just too much. Turning around still in line, I see another, much more...
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Having the sex talk with your kids

This is one of those topics that some parents seem to dread. Not me. Why? Well because when I was in elementary school, I was totally clueless, until the 6th grade where the teacher took on the role of parent for one week and taught us all the basics of our bodies and what the male and female body parts were.That’s nice and all but I wish my parents had the guts to tell me themselves. It was an awkward time for me and as kids do, we all laughed at the words. The whole thing was funny. Especially...
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Sometimes you see funny stuff in your email and you may titter in the 5 seconds it takes you to read and then go about your day. But then there are the ones that are just too funny to ignore and you have to share it with the world! And this one is frilarious! (Friggen Hilarious). So please enjoy a little humor, ya’ll! A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous,athletic, 19 year old...
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Hot Piece of Sass: That's Bobbi, With An 'I'

Hot Piece of Sass: That's Bobbi, With An ...
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When Appliances Attack..Sort of

I love scouring the internet for interesting stories and this one is no exception. So here is the story. Bottom line this guy’s oven automatically came on. Ok so the first thing that comes to mind is not ghosts but that the appliances are now taking over!But the story is crazier than that! His dang cell phone was the culprit. I don’t know what is funnier; my crazy idea of a world taken over by appliances...
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THE JOYS OF MY SPLINTERED LIFE IN SMALLTOWN: A Story for Every Picture: You Closed The Door

THE JOYS OF MY SPLINTERED LIFE IN SMALLTOWN: A Story for Every Picture: You Closed The D...
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Memory Triggers

I saw a red Delorean this morning on the freeway on my way to work. On the back of the car was this contraption that had me wondering what the “heck is that”?As I got closer to the vehicle I saw that it was that blender contraption just like in the movie Back to the Future! Then I started thinking about the movie that came out in 1985 and how at 14 years old, I saw that movie countless times, because...
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Take this blog...and love it!

I've been trying to figure this blogging thing out and I think I have it. I've been blogging since March this year, and it has taken me this past week, to understand how to get traffic to my site. I can tell you this, it takes a lot of friggen work!But I can say that efforts are beginning to pay off. Glad people are stopping by to see what I'm all about.The name of the blog Zesty Nachos is all about...
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Passion Party...Adult Toys, beverages, oh my!

Went to a Passion Party last night. Basically it is a party that has a host, a consultant, and several drunk women enjoying themselves!This one was fun. Except for the two consultants! I just could not take them seriously especially as they were bookish, nerdy looking women trying to tell the group of drunk ladies how to find their g-spot!It was all clinical, like I was in junior high school sex ed...
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Cooking...Basic Skill Set #1

Why is it that young females these days don’t seem to have the basic cooking skills for when they leave the nest?It is a conundrum to say the least. I use for example one radio dj of a popular morning radio show in San Diego. She has learned to cook somewhat now, but when she first came to the station, she basically didn’t have cooking skills, except to microwave stuff... WTFH?Now this is something...
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Friends...How many of Us Have Them?

I can say the I honestly only have two best friends. While I am a people person and love to yack it up, I find that people just don't get me. My two best buds do and that is why I call them friends.I have quite a few aquaintences both online and in the real world, like I said I am a people person. These are people I talk to, who I might even hang out with, but for the most part I don't trust people...
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Cat Sentinel

I've always wondered why cats just sit and stare, especially from windows. I was walking to my car this morning and I saw this cat just staring at me. I wonder why they do that? Frankly they give me the creeps. All stalking their prey, like mini jungle cats....
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Twelve babies... Is that seriously possible??

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,540023,00.html?test=latestnewsThis is one of those strange stories that make you say WTFH? Holding one baby for nine months is hard, but twelve? I read the story, which is pretty crazy by the way, but for damn near the whole pregnancy, which is dangerous, this chick has to seriously be on bed rest. I mean the uterus can stretch, but a football field? I shudder at...
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Money is at the root of my problem...And it is all my fault!

You ever feel like a mouse in a cage and with no way out? Or you’re on a hamster wheel to no where? Yeah well these are my thoughts today. I am in a rut and I can’t seem to find my way out of the muck of my life. I feel as if I am drowning in responsibility with no air in sight.I have no head for money saving so I am one of those people who live pay check to paycheck. I really hate it, but I am trying...
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Disturbing Behaviour...Could this really happen?

I am watching the movie from 1998 about a small town in Maine, where the adults are experimenting on the teenage population. These kids turn into some creepy stepford wives and the funny thing is all of the normal teenage angst that was suppressed has this weird side-effect that makes the kids become raging psychotics. This usually happens when they feel sexual attraction.Now in the real world would this be possible? And why would it be ok for a parent to do that their child? I mean hell we were...
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A new blog

Yeah I started a new blog. I didn't set out to start a new one, but this blog, Zesty Nachos, is all over the place which is fine, but I need to actually catalog/track my journey only as a writer.So I made it real pretty and I have a goal and a story in the works. I already have the actual plot. So check it and follow for the journey and my fulfillment of a story finished and then sent off for publication.http://writingisajourney.blogspot.c...
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Review request guidelines

First off thank you for considering me as your reviewer for your book/site. As your Erotic and Romance books examiner, I appreciate the chance to put the word out on your book!I am happy to accept ARCs, as well as books that have already been published, and print books for review. Even eBooks (PDF preferred). I currently accept books in the following genres Erotica Romance and its sub-genres (paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy,m/m etc) and Romance and its sub-genres (paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, m/m, etc)...
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Depression...Not Just a State of Mind

Depression is no joke. It affects people differently and there are many methods to combat it from pills to therapy. I suffer from depression. I hate it, but I also refuse to take pills. When my middle son passed away in 1993, I lost it. I went to a therapist, who actually did not listen to me. It was so not like the movies, where you sit on the proverbial couch and talk about your feelings. Nope it was a standard doctor’s office with him behind a desk and me in front of him in a regular chair. He...
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Writing Full Time...I Wish!

I have been writing pretty much everyday since March 2009. I finally realize that this is what I seriously love to do. I want to write more and actually get paid more for it, but short of writing that novel, I am in a bind.I feel that something is holding me back from the longer novel length story that has been itching to get out of me, yet the short writing exercises I’ve been able to do in the last couple of weeks have been truly rewarding.I wish I can get paid to write short articles on a much...
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Hosting Twitter Chat Party

Hi all! I am hosting my first twitter party! Quite excited about it and I also think that it is a great concept for anyone to have to talk about their book or anything they having coming out to generate excitement! See below for details from Enid Wilson on how to get in on the fun!20 September (Sunday), 2 pm USA west coast time for 1.5 hours, Twitter Chat Party about our love for Mr. Darcy Hosted by Acquanetta Ferguson, popular San Diego Examiner (2 pm Sunday California time, i.e. 5 pm Sunday New...
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A Lover Scorned

The clock ticks quietly as I hunger formore of your phantom touch,mouth watering as it remembers your taste.Please click here to read the rest of my poem! Part of the #journaling game on Twitter from @SensualStories who inspires her followers to use key phrases/words to write out either poetry or a short short story. Check it o...
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Car Rage

I’m telling you, people in cars are evil. lol I’m in the 7-eleven parking lot near my home where I was attempting to get out of a parking space when this she-witch rolls in almost hitting my car (not really but it sounds so dramatic. Actually she and I moved at the same time). I stopped, she stopped. I finally pulled out, and this she-witch proceeds to give me the eye like it was my fault I chose...
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Ok got a new follower on twitter by the name of Kate Hill who is a published author. Already super stoked whenever an author follows me. What makes her extra special is she has daily writing exercises which I have been looking for. Can we say this is kismet? So here is what she sent out today as her tweet: @katehillromance Today's short fiction exercise. 100 words or less. Topic: NeedHere is what I came up with! Enjoy!The Need is clawing to get out. It is banging on the door of my mind. Knock. Knock....
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Office Politics

I've been frustrated all week. I just need to let out some serious steam because work has been hell. My company was once a small family owned company that took care of its employees and did fun things like decorate cubicles for teammates birthdays, take off early on the day before holidays, company parties, that sort of thing. Well it got bought out by a big corporation. The problem is the small company...
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New Blog Template

Finding a new blog template has been hard. I could not find anything in my favorite color, purple, unless it was super girly or pastel. Sorry that is not me. For this blog I wanted something that would allow me to be me and I found this Sunset template. Saw another blogger with it and I had to have it.Until I can find the right kind of purple, this one will do for now. Maybe it will inspire me to keep it updat...
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