All I see everyday are ads aimed at making me feel bad for having hips or having soft body parts. I used to have real bad self-esteem issues. I still do up to a point, but I also realized that I like looking and feeling like a woman, and not someone else’s idea of what a woman should look like. I want to get healthy hence the trail walking I am trying to do on the weekends. But I refuse to diet anymore. All it does is make a person irritable and hungry.
Looking and feeling like a woman is ok. I know this from personal experience. I did a drastic diet and lost the weight and for a bit I thought I was happy. I was small, and skinny, all I ever wanted. But I was not healthy. I had even more issues with being “skinny.” And like most people who lose weight, I too gained it back. But in the gaining, I was actually happier because I had some of my womanly parts back. I can tell you this I do not ever want to be that skinny ever again.
But on the flip side, some women are genetically slim or skinny. That is fine, but to be obsessed with trying to look like a skinny person, then that is where I draw the line. I mean that is like wanting to be tall but genetically your short. Just some things in life you have to let go.
In the end, I am glad that I am a woman with curves. Being healthy, well that is the goal, not weight loss, even though it will occur, I know it won’t lead to the skinny rat I became. Curves rule!